Some "notes" (LOL) about my first week with Anytype, how I see using it, and why I probably won't put all my notes there...

Some "notes" (LOL) about my first week with Anytype, how I see using it, and why I probably won't put all my notes there...
While I don’t use Notion actively myself, I’m a big fan of the product, team, and what they’re up to. If you are too, this interview on Lenny’s Podcast with co-founder and CEO Ivan Zhao is worth a listen.
> Notion’s lost years, it’s near collapse during COVID, staying small to move fast, the joy and suffering of building horizontal (and more)
Notion's help is so bad I had no choice just then but to use the built-in AI to add a field to a page.
We're all fucked.
Have I found my #Notion replacement? I really like it so far!
I'm getting SO much more federation or #SelfHosted pilled with stuff.
I'm really appreciating the traditional model of selling sofware licenses as one off fees rather than monthly subscriptions.
Like with #Obsidian , I love it! Its also free. But its awesome that if the company dies tomorrow? My notes are still here, and I can still use the software.
If #Notion dies tomorrow? My notes are gone and I've lost my tool that my productivity relies on!
@tangee un temps j'avais utilisé #airtable qui peut peut être te plaire ? (mais je viens de regarder leur site, et eux aussi plongent dans l'IA...)
Après j'avais plongé tête baissée dans l'univers #Notion qui est absolument fantastique, sauf que c'est un modèle qui va devenir de plus en plus payant au fur et à mesure qu'on sera dépendant, et qui met de l'IA partout en ce moment #Tristesse
Curious what the #PKM community thinks of the Johnny Decimal system[1]?
I came across this years ago and it recently resurfaced.
Is anyone using this in their PKM software and successfully built workflows around it? It seems like an alternative to PARA and Zettelkasten.
I just saved myself half an hour of grunt work by creating a quick n8n workflow in 5 minutes: fetching a list of license keys, retrieving their expiration dates from our server and storing them in Notion. Simple, but SO rewarding! As a bonus, it's now extremely simple to keep this list updated with no extra effort.
How did you shave time off your workday today?
@Likewise yes i agree. I read my books digitally and don’t often see the covers once i begin the book. But i keep a list in Notion that showcases the covers. I transitioned over 20 years ago to reading all my books digitally, but that is one of the things I miss - having a physical bookshelf where I can see all the covers of the books. #notion #readinglist #organize
Okay, I may have spoken too soon. After careful deliberation, I've decided to try to use Notion together with OneNote to streamline my workflow. I plan to use both in editorial and marketing content planning and development.
I know studying another system is going to be a tedious process. But if that means having a more efficient and productive workflow, then it should be worth it.
Anyone using both #Notion and #OneNote? I'd love to know how you use both.
Today I learn you can set automatically add a default date to Notion Database items. In my case I wanted to add today’s date for the next 1:1 template
voy con la #presentacion :)
Vivo en el campo, enseño #visualthinking a quien quiera y necesite aprender. Me encanta el queso, la música clásica contemporánea y las plantas. Hago gestión cultural para ganarme las castañas, y tengo una web bien pintona:
También una newsletter una vez al mes.
Uso #Notion para ayudar a mi cerebro a no perderse en las ramas.
Busco ser social en redes que sean éticas.
Hi all. #PKM Weekly (19-Jan-25) is live:
#Capacities Update (and oops...sneak peek). #logseq DB Version updates.
#tana updates (no mobile), #obsidan Gems of 2024 vote and #appflowy AI (wow!).
- Orca Note
- #Heptabase
- #TwosApp
- Journal It
- #SiYuan
- #Notion
- Sen-Labs
Thank you as always for reading
Allez cette fois c’est la bonne, bye bye Notion, hello Anytype !
J’avais tenté la bascule avec Skiff (qui faisait aussi mail, calendrier et drive) mais ces couillons ont revendu à Notion 6 mois après.
Du coup, après un premier essai lors de l’alpha sur invite, je retente Anytype et cette fois j’ai l’impression d’avoir mieux cerné l’outil et ses atouts. Ça semble très bien répondre à mez besoins.
One of the things I'd like to do in 2025 is leave #Notion for a local-first and open source personal knowledge base/note taking app.
Right now, I'm considering two options...
Slackware Cloud Server Series, Episode 10: Workflow Management
For my Slackware Cloud Server series of articles, we are going to have a look at a system for workflow management, personal note taking and all kinds of other collaborative features.
When the COVID pandemic hit the world, me and
I think this illustrates a difference between #Obsidian and #Notion quite well:
In Notion, icons Just Work. In Obsidian, you *can* get them with a lot of flexibility (icon packs, control default icons by file path regex, custom CSS…) but there are also 123 open issues – many but not all of which are bugs.
I’m re-remembering that while Obsidian is beautifully flexible in theory, it easily gets flaky when you add stuff on. (I still love it!)