What are you #reading this weekend? If it's this, I think you'll agree that it hopefully remains fiction and doesn't become prediction... but we'd better be as ready as possible, just in case.
What are you #reading this weekend? If it's this, I think you'll agree that it hopefully remains fiction and doesn't become prediction... but we'd better be as ready as possible, just in case.
Je suis tombé sur Prompt, une mini fiction de dix épisodes sur Arte, réalisé par l'artiste Jocelyn Collages. Il utilise des modèles intelligences artificielles pour illustrer les problèmes que pose cette technologie entre les droits d'auteur et la création en elle même.
Certains épisodes sont très drôles !
In a divided world, fiction can break through the barriers that keep us apart, says Rachida Lamrabet:
Catch her on the @fictionable #podcast at https://www.fictionable.world/podcasts/rachida-lamrabet-fiction-perspective-choice-bicycles
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'To read is to put our selves at risk, to make ourselves vulnerable by welcoming the presence of an other into our psychic space'
Is #reading really good for you? Tara Isabella Burton investigates:
There's nothing quite like the taste of stale russian despair...
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#PennedPossibilities 613 — How do you feel about the world or universe you’ve created within your WIP? Are you satisfied with it thus far?
Remember. You asked...
How do I feel about the world itself? Like I stepped in a cesspool up to my knees!
Most nations are theocracies, with oligarchs ascendant fighting one another. It's a full extrapolation of post Jan 20th 2025, stabilized with the needle at religio-fascist, by those who preferred stable to bat-shit crazy, and taken 50 to 150 years into the future. (I haven't decided the timeline, yet.) The initials E.M. in EM Mars Colonizations Corp stand for what you think it does, complete with very cute silvery Heinlein spaceships misnomered as Starships. The main character is shanghaied to Mars as a colonist (one added to a population of 10,000) on the last ship making the passage as EM goes bankrupt. All her life, May Ri struggled not to be completely nothing, destined by her gender to barely have agency, valued mostly because she could bare sons. Now she must master living on Mars, with its corporate frontier rules.
There's a reason Mars Needed Women (the title), but the story I'm telling has "Need" in the past tense. Men die disproportionately more often than the women in Mars Space, and when the corporate power structure begins to crumble, May Ri has to fight harder for survival. She, however, isn't interested in keeping the status quo. Neither is all her sister colonists, nor all the first generation (nisei) Martians who have all been raised by only their mothers.
I'm really satisfied with how the story I'm writing works within this universe. It's feminist to the core. It questions gender roles. It tars patriarchy as ruining the lives of women AND men.
It's coming together, gonzo pantser style. Just wrote the 14th installment of 31. I've 8 of the remaining 17 planned. The reader should be starting to see that May Ri is as ruthless as those in power (the men, of course), but with a female twist. She hates being used, but she likes men (finds them fun) and wishes they'd quit with the power-dominance-shit. She hates seeing other women being hurt, and she's the type of person, given the chance, ceases opportunities and makes solutions. When she has four daughters to protect against the Earthers, it becomes very real.
I'm posting all installments on Mastodon thru the month of March on a single thread. To keep up with the story, follow this hashtag: #RSMarsNeededWomen.
[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]
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NovFut #32 • Seconde Guerre Civile Américaine
Les américains vivent en pleine dystopie en ayant élu un président fasciste qui transforme peu à peu le pays en état totalitaire. Cet épisode de NovFut vous raconte une suite possible, hélas probable. https://nouvellesdufutur.substack.com/p/novfut-32-seconde-guerre-civile-americaine?r=2r0h6m #superbe #panorama #fiction #cartographie
#ScribesAndMakers 13 March: Shameless self promotion day. Boost away.
My local writers group, Hawaii Fiction Writers, has its newest anthology out. It's a fundraiser for the Aina Haina Public Library on Oahu, Hawaii. I have three stories in it. So please help support our library!
Sorry it's on The Bozo's platform, but that's what the publisher uses.
#ScribesAndMakers 2503.13 — Shameless Self-Promotion Day. Let's boost away.
Here's the newly minted cover art† for Mars Need Women. Check it out!
It's a web-novel, described in the blurb below. I have been posting it in a single free-to-read Mastodon thread. Here is the story link: https://eldritch.cafe/@sfwrtr/114088945266387178
“A hopeful deeply-dystopian feminist SF story, with thinly veiled jabs at our current world's bad actors making for a bad future. Please note the past tense in the title: Mars Needed Women. The story's women are going to work to bring down the system, at least that part that's oppressing them, in a massive unscheduled disassembly.”
So far I've posted 12 chapters of 31, which I will do more or less daily through the end of this month. The first installment is an inside jacket blurb. The main story starts with a clang in the second installment. Chapter 11 may leave you in tears. #RSMarsNeededWomen
More in the #altText
† I designed and created the cover, wrote the blurbs, and did the titles. The images are courtesy of ESA and NASA. The spine is a strip of a Mariner 7 image. This is becoming a hobby of mine, and I am open to requests.
[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]
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Been a while since I posted an extract from the current novel in (slow) progress. So here you go.
On prejudice, people and finding perfection in imperfection.
Full read if you click the link. Let me know what you think.
(Don't tell me about typos or grammar though. Early draft innit. They're inevitable) #fantasy #fiction #books
Anyway, the point is that it's the author's job to make the protagonist likable, or at least someone you want to root for. This "dog-sitter detective" doesn't pass that test, at least not for me. While I'm curious to know whodunit, I'm not sure if I want to wade through the other half of the book to find out.
Broth makes it across the river, with a first appearance in #NorthLondon
Get your copy of Diana Evans's 'lean, quiet and shocking' short story at the Book Art Bookshop on Pitfield Street N1, or at https://www.fictionable.world/pages/fictionable-edition-broth-by-diana-evans
#books #reading #writing #fiction #bookshops #publishing #bookstodon @bookstodon
#ScribesAndMakers 13
Kovenlore Chronicles is a 7-novel #adventure #romantasy series, Riparia Dellbane the unlikely heroine pulled into helping save dystopian Carrdia. There’s elaborate worldbuilding & a diverse cast.
All 7 novels (plus 2 novellas) are already written.
The 1st book in the series, Trust in the Forgotten, is published, the sequel coming in late spring. Currently on Amazon, it’ll eventually go wide.
… calling #Rome …
The Casa di Goethe is exhibiting 'documents and testimonies that illustrate the extent to which Ingeborg Bachmann’s life followed an aesthetic concept that is inseparable from her work':
#podcast #books #reading #writing #fiction #translation #exhiibitions #bookstodon @bookstodon
#PennedPossibilities 612 — Has your SC ever snooped in a friend or partner’s house?
For the current crop of SCs, either there isn't enough depth of character revealed to know, or they've never had the opportunity—that is, either a friend or partner they'd want to know more about.
This question for the MCs would be far more interesting.
[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]
#gender #fiction #writer #author
#writing #writingcommunity #writersOfMastodon #writers
DEVASTATINGLY BLEAK, POETIC work of profound horror is a brutal, beautifully crafted exploration of the depths of the human heart. Not for everyone, but for those willing to look into the abysses of our nature, it’s powerful as hell. A MINUS
Sir Terry Pratchett was one of two people who I quoted directly in my dissertation. This line from Feet of Clay was the motto for my introductory chapter:
"This is where we’ve filled ourselves up with so many questions that they’re starting to overflow and become answers."
It resonated with me, because this is what doing research often feels like for me.
The Ebook for She Hunts Demons is now free in most stores*: https://books2read.com/SheHuntsDemons
The half-demon girl who calls herself the Hunter never really considered why she wanted all demons dead, but when she’s presented with the one responsible for killing her parents, she loses all rationality, going on the warpath.
* With the exception of Amazon, who won't set the price lower than $0.99.
It happens, my brain is always off in its own world doing when I'm trying to do things...
@reading @bookstodon @bookbubble @humour
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Dune : première partie Film présenté gratuitement à la Grande Bibliothèque
#cinéma #film #BAnQ #GrandeBibliothèque #Montréal #Québec #fiction #culture