#ScribesAndMakers 13 March: Shameless self promotion day. Boost away.
My local writers group, Hawaii Fiction Writers, has its newest anthology out. It's a fundraiser for the Aina Haina Public Library on Oahu, Hawaii. I have three stories in it. So please help support our library!
Sorry it's on The Bozo's platform, but that's what the publisher uses.
www.amazon.comLost in the Stacks: An Anthology of Library Stories by Hawai'i Fiction Writers: Little, Michael M, Baugniet, Gail M, Simonds, John: 9798986386492: Amazon.com: BooksLost in the Stacks: An Anthology of Library Stories by Hawai'i Fiction Writers [Little, Michael M, Baugniet, Gail M, Simonds, John] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Lost in the Stacks: An Anthology of Library Stories by Hawai'i Fiction Writers