Book recommendation:
Colors without color
by my friend Anja Groller
The hedgehog Knut has days where he feels numb inside, can't feel anything, colors have no color and the sun doesn't radiate warmth.
Badger Kunibert wants to help his best friend get through those days, understand Knut better and wonders if it might be his fault somehow (it isn't).
The book helps kids understand loved ones that suffer from trauma sequelae.
A grownup should accompany the kid while reading the book.
"Farben ohne Farbe" is the German original title of the book, which I believe was translated in English, but might not have been released that way yet.
Anja is a social- and trauma pedagogue and trauma consultant and studies animal assisted intervention with me.
Her dog Balu is a therapy assistant dog.
I hope the book will help bring more empathy, love and understanding into this world. And color.
My rating: Five hearts!