if you have the means (& i hope that you do), i highly recommend making abstract landscape art to restore emotional equilibrium.
#illustration #landscape #scotland #art #wellbeing #smashTheSystem
if you have the means (& i hope that you do), i highly recommend making abstract landscape art to restore emotional equilibrium.
#illustration #landscape #scotland #art #wellbeing #smashTheSystem
@labournet_de Der Unterschied zwischen Lohnarbeit und Bezug von Bürgergeld ist folgender: Bei Lohnarbeit wirst du von Chefs und/oder Kolleg*innen schikaniert, als Bezieher*in von Bürgergeld wirst du vom Jobcenter schikaniert. So einfach ist das
Writing your ethical application and using your breaks to listen to leftist philosophers isn't a good idea. I am closing my day with 700-words (unpublished and unpublishable for now) stream of consciousness that started as a reflection on the #RightToRepair, entered in a political critique of #upcycling , and ended with a #SmashTheSystem call to action.
I don't have a #DogsAtPollingStations photo today because my area isn't polling but here's one of my dog from a few years ago. #SmashTheSystem #NoGodsNoMasters