Franz Rogowski – „Lux – Krieger des Lichts“ (2017)
Franz Rogowski ist ja längst ein Weltstar, nur haben das in Deutschland noch nicht alle gemerkt. Dabei hätten wir aber eigentlich nur etwas genauer hinschauen müssen, und es wäre uns längst vollkommen klar, dass dieser Mann nicht mehr aufzuhalten ist die ganze Welt zu erobern… (ARD)
The Asides of March. My cartoon comment on this story: #satire #cartoons #USFascism #AIcartoons
Introducing Chuck A. Merican: the obvious choice for Director of the CIA.
Die Hälfte ist richtig, also hat der Postillon hier 50% an Kontafeien des einen und des anderen gebracht. Lob: sehr ausgewogen, aber leider keine #satire
Die Gegenprobe, ausschließlich Laschet anzuklicken, könnt ihr gerne auch machen...
#satire : a composition, generally poetical, holding up vice or folly to reprobation
- French: Satire
- German: die Satire
- Italian: satira
- Portuguese: sátira
- Spanish: sátira, sarcasmo
See previous words @
On my way to producing yet another issue of my print magazine, Shut Yer Pie Hole! In the meantime, see the slightly updated website: #humor #satire #parody #USPolitics #politicalsatire #jokes #benstiller
I'm a recently fired government worker who is now unemployed and trying to feed my family of four.
Here's why I bought three new Teslas to support Musk in this trying time.
Ernest Hemingway’s 5 Surprisingly Easy Rules for Writing
1. Kill adjectives
2. Murder your darlings
3. Slaughter long sentences
4. Exterminate repetition
5. Whiskey, but only after s̶l̶a̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶b̶l̶o̶o̶d̶l̶u̶s̶t̶ writing
remember this?
Bush swore to do “everything in [his] power” to undo the damage wrought by Clinton’s two terms in office, including selling off the national parks to developers, going into massive debt to develop expensive and impractical weapons technologies, and passing sweeping budget cuts that drive the mentally ill out of hospitals and onto the street.
#TheOnion #Satire #Politics #USPol
TormentNexus(TM) research team: We understand how you feel, we have studied the subject and have found many issues... but wait, what if we reduced its energy consumption by 30%, run it completely on renewables and adopt a kitten for every 1000 people tortured by the TormentNexus? Would you like that?
Angry mob: No...
Marmalade Mussolini
bot by @davidaugust
This is for tee hee, not treason: put the zip ties down.
"Tête á Tête on the 968th Floor of a Skyscraper," Moriz Jung, 1911.
Jung (1885-1915) was an Austrian artist, graphic designer, and caricaturist best known for his work with the Wiener Werkstätte, a Viennese art and design collective.
Noted for his satirical flair, he had quite a few illustrations published in various magazines, and also a lot of humorous postcards like this one, which pokes fun at the stylish fad for aviation.
I've written about the Wiener Werkstätte before; their output is fascinating and their work a forerunner of the Bauhaus and the Art Deco movement. Postcards were the lest pricy or luxurious of their output, but images like there were popular.
Jung's career, though prolific, was brief. He was conscripted into the Austro-Hungarian army in 1914, and was killed in action near the village of Łubne, in modern-day Poland, as part of the Carpathian Battle.
From the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
"Rep. 1 "...such a competition is rigged from the beginning, since it is organized by an #oligarch who controls the govt. He is fit. You are not. That is natural."
"Rep. 1. “...yes, the point is to make the #government entirely dysfunctional for the rest of you. But, right, we will keep the govt functional for us..."
Rep. 4 "Of course we lie. Lying is good. Let #science & the #humanities compete with other opinions in a free market of ideas."
The DOGE Helpline
Comms from Armageddon
"The scene: an office in the #WestWing ... with a "DOGE Helpline" sign on the door. Four consumer relations specialists take phone calls.
Rep 1 "...The point is to create the conditions for the survival of the fittest. That's #American, right?"
Rep 2 "We... create an #environment of desperation and hatred of Americans. #Americans will show their best side in these situations"
@SmudgeTheInsultCat #Satire has been dead so many times that #immortality must be true.
Combover Caligula
bot by @davidaugust
This is a joke, not a threat: let's not get carceral over comedy.