#Blueberries are awakening!
It's my first Spring with these shrubs. Very exciting. I wonder if the Mockingbird I caught eating them last summer remembers.
#Gardening ##NativePlants #WildlifeGardening #BiodiversityGardening
Please enjoy this video of Atlides halesus, great purple hairstreak on Aralia spinosa, devil’s walking stick.
Turn up the volume so you can hear all the bees! This is a plant #pollinators really love.
Besides being mildly toxic, it also forms colonies from underground roots so many people don’t like them bc they can take over.
It is climate change resilient though bc it flowers in the summer / fruits in the fall, tolerates summer heat of south eastern North America and is drought resistant. It’s dioecious so if you want to propagate one, you need to sprout enough seeds to have both male and female plants.
Devils walking stick has the largest leaves in North America but doesn’t actually have very many of them.
I use the leaves of spinosa as an aromatic. Either used fresh in broth or tea or chopped up and very lightly sautéed (1-2’) in oil and used as a topping. It’s great as a tarka for Indian curries.
#cooking #plants #NativePlants #gardening
It might be a little confusing but there are two Aralia species in Japanese cuisine that have two similar edible relatives in North America.
Aralia cordata (udo) - Aralia racemosa
Aralia elata (taranome) - Aralia spinosa
Unlike cordata, the stalks of racemosa are too thin and fibrous while young but the leaves are edible.
Aralia spinosa, devil’s walking stick
Please don’t flame me for growing this plant. The #pollinators love it and the leaves taste nice (slightly minty asafoetida).
Bark, roots and unripe berries can cause contact dermatitis and/or allergies. Ripe berries are mildly toxic in large quantities besides not tasting very good.
#California: ‘Seeking seed donations': The #Altadena #SeedLibrary looks ahead to #regrowth
Story by Alysia Gray Painter, January 13, 2025
"Following the Jan. 7 fire that swept through the city, growers and gardening groups are beginning to think about what is next, groups that include the Altadena Seed Library.
"This community is enormously dedicated to native plants, but also had many farmers and growers who lost generations of crops at community gardens and in backyards.
"#Wildlife coming down from the foothills has lost habitat and food. the air quality will be poor and temperatures will be higher without the lush greenery that protected us. not to mention the vast natural spaces that have burned and may benefit from help #reseeding.
"If you have seeds to spare — particularly native plants — please send a message. please share widely.
"Monetary donations are also requested, if you are able to donate.
"Seeds may be sent to 37 Auburn Ave. #8, Sierra Madre, CA 91024 c/o Altadena Seed Library."
Altadena Seed Library IG:
#AltadenaFires #CaliforniaFires #Reseeding #SolarPunkSunday #NativePlants #NativeSeeds #SeedLibrary #SeedSharing #Gardening
This is really bleak. Know I’m just singing back to the choir here but what are you guys planting for the pollinators this year?
This one is new for me, sneezeweed, Helenium amarum. They’ve already sprouted in their outdoor cold-strat containers.
Also transplanted year old loebelia siphilitica seedlings to the ground yesterday.
Another new one is lyre leaf sage but seeds haven’t sprouted yet. Pic is from summer last year.
Hemaris diffinis, snowberry clearwing on lyreleaf sage, Salvia lyrata.
Combine this with the republican administration’s plans to cut down 280m acres of national forest.
Let’s do everything we can to stop this and encourage planting #NativePlants and #trees.
5calls.org - this website will help you find your reps.
“Truth and beauty can still win battles. We need more art, more passion, more wit in defense of the Earth.” (David Brower, conservationist & mountaineer)
#ClimateDiary #gardening #ClimateChangeGardening #trees #nuts #bloomscrolling #FleurisTonFil #NativePlants #plants #nature #jardin #garten
One of my American hazelnuts (Corylus americana) is beginning to flower.
It feels like it's time for a new #introduction
I'm Daniel! He / him.
I'm a husband and Master #Naturalist from Louisiana and living in northeast #Oregon.
I post about #birds, #birding, #insects, #NativePlants, #iNaturalist, and everything else that I find in our travels around this beautiful Earth of ours.
I am a practitioner of #Soto #Zen #Buddhism, a #photographer, web developer, wood carver, and burgeoning gardener.
Website: https://daniel.observer
Save the date, gardeners in southeast Michigan!
Ypsilanti District Library-Whittaker has a native plant swap planned for Sunday, May 18 from 1pm to 2pm.
#ClimateDiary #gardening #ClimateChangeGardening #fruit #NativePlants #plants
Sambucus canadensis (black elderberry), Ribes aureum (golden currant, not in native range), and rando native rose’s leaves budded out before the heavy snow. Checked on them today and they are fine.
We have a few native rose species locally. I collected berries of one that tasted really good, much better than any other rosehips I tried and doesn’t have prickly fibers. Guess we’ll find out id when it blooms.
A sign of spring: Barson's Greenhouse, one of our local garden centers with native plants, opens March 3.
An Oklahoma program will pay residents to grow native plants
The grant is open to people living in Oklahoma, Canadian and Cleveland Counties.
#KOSU #Oklahoma #Gardening #NativePlants