¿Más fans de Mortadelo y Filemón por estos lares? ¿Cuáles son vuestros favoritos?
Mi preferido es Gatolandia 76. Seguro que a más de uno le sonará lo de:
"O limpiada con bayeta
O limpiada con estropajo
Relucirá su cazuela
Con el detergente Cascajo"
Pero vamos, que tengo montones de favoritos: La caja de los 10 cerrojos, Hay un traidor en La Tía, En Alemania, Moscú 80, la preparación del Mundial 82, El bacilón, Los diamantes de la gran duquesa, Ansia de poder, Impeachment, casi cualquiera de olimpiadas y mundiales...
Today for my lunchtime jams, I am bringing with me my beloved #Ibanez SRH505F Guessing Stick, on which I am woefully out of practice
Last week, I stumbled upon a local listing for an #Ibanez GRX40 #guitar, at only 35€
Of course, for that price, she was far from being in a perfect state.
But I wanted something to tinker with and practice my setup and tuning skills, so I went to see it and ... bought it, of course.
I disassembled all of the hardware, and proceeded to clean and reassemble it over the course of a few evenings.
Did a bit of soldering too, and of course new strings + setup/tuning.
It went above my expectations
She still doesn't look new, but she's clean now, and sounds good !
I could put my name on it, too
but I think it would be pretty obvious in most contexts whose mug this is
Time for more #UnsupervisedBassPlayer
- excessive OBS overlays?
- #Ibanez party?
- effects turned up to ludicrous?
- flubs and sloppy playing for all to enjoy?
Yes, absolutely!
A "good enough" #bass is not necessarily very expensive. I like #Ibanez; even their GSR180 is very playable. (#Yamaha TRB series is also popular for beginners.)
The #Yousician app/site is a pretty good starting tool for learning the basics.
My favorite bass teaching channel on YouTube is BassBuzz: realistic, funny, well-produced, and not ridiculous with the shilling for his paid stuff.
I hadn't recorded my #Ibanez SRC6MS very much yet, and the new #FairCamp site really ought to have something NEW on it, yeah?
"Broken Joe"
This #Ibanez SR300E was the first #BassGuitar I ever actually owned, even though I'd been playing for 18 years at that point--just always someone else's on long-term loan.
In 2018, I went to get new tires and new window tinting for my car. It ended up not needing new tires after all, but the tinting would take a few hours so I decided to walk up to Ted Brown Music (our local chain, from whom I've been buying music stuff since elementary school) to kill some time.
(no new tires = excess cash)
An important lesson in #BassGuitar wisdom:
There is always another dream bass.
My first dream bass was an #Ibanez SRMS805, a multi-scale 5-string in a gorgeous red poplar burl
coincidentally very much like the one in my profile image
I was never going to buy it; I'm a hobby player and my budget wouldn't support buying a $1000+ instrument.
Circumstances and Craigslist conspired and I ended up trading a Sig Sauer 9mm pistol for one. I had my dream bass.
Completed Lion's Claw router sled and tested it on piece of plywood, it works pretty well.
So I think I can now consider applying this to the guitar body and finishing the recess routing behind the saddle locking screws.
I haven't got the gentle rise towards rear of claw cut like #Ibanez do, maybe a curved sled base would do it, might try.
Also I'm thinking whether to splay the cuts in typical intonation pattern. I should probably try that on scrap first too.