@rms The same is happening in #France with #VincentBolloré and his #media empire. A #Fascist International (#UgoPalheta: https://shs.cairn.info/la-nouvelle-internationale-fasciste--9782845979185?lang=fr&tab=sommaire) is being set up. From now on, “the dominant media have only one agenda: to block the way. But to the left.” (#FrédéricLordon, #Fascism, definition: https://blog.mondediplo.net/fascisme-definition). How can we work towards the "International of the Oppressed"?
Syria: despite the documented massacres by his death squads, Abu Mohammad al-Julani has been invited by the EU Commission to a donations conference in Brussels. In what absurd world are we seriously living in at the current moment?
@palestine@lemmygrad.ml @lebanon
@yemen @irannachrichten #germany
Hey! We recently posted a recommendation about Joplin, the note-taking software, and we've just discovered that there's a French association, Root66 @root66, that's all about promoting open source software, and that they're planning a "discovery workshop" about Joplin for their members this Saturday afternoon!
For the French near Saint-Cyr-L'Ecole, here is the link: https://root66.net/?post/2025/03/03/Joplin-pour-synchroniser-tes-notes-deouis-partout
It's great to see people coming together to help each other replace products or explore new ones in a way that's both ethical and supportive.
And even if there aren't associations like this where you are, you can still join friends and family to work together on replacing your apps or learning to use a new one.
Let us know if there are other events like this happening in Europe!
#joplin #europe #france #opensource
Rappel : Mgr Marc Aillet, à la tête du diocèse dont dépend l'école catholique sous contrat Bétharram, est le seul évêque de France à avoir refusé d’ouvrir ses archives à la commission Sauvé sur les abus sexuels dans l’Église.