collection of "hobby" #blog made from scratch by my students at the web development course I'm teaching at Tallinn University
collection of "hobby" #blog made from scratch by my students at the web development course I'm teaching at Tallinn University
@me @eleventy As a new Eleventian, I recommend bookmarking or RSSing @bobmonsour's wonderful 11ty Bundle
woooo finally got a chance to try eleventy on a new project!! cool :) got a little frustrated with adapting the templates at first, but the wealth of documentation and tutorials out there has been awesome :)
If you want to showcase your blog posts grouped by year (and/or month) and are using Eleventy to build your site, here's how to do it:
So, my #Eleventy wbesite (uses the base blog template for a base). I want to have the blog post archive to be sorted by Year.
So like posts from 2024 have a heading of “2024” and all 2024 blosts be listed under it, same for 2025, etc, etc.
Does anyone who uses @eleventy have any ideas on how to do this?
My website’s source code is here -
Today I'm working to move my Figma designed resume into good ole HTML and (print) CSS!
Some quick googling on available schemas, and it seems like json-resume is the go to. It falls apart for me under a little scrutiny, because I'd like to list multiple date ranges of employment for an employer.
So I'll be using a modified version and cursing myself if there's ever any real standardization in the future
Generating absolute URLs in my RSS feed(s) #Development #Webdev #Eleventy
My RSS feeds are generated by 11ty at build time from a Liquid.js template. When I wrote posts and link elsewhere on my site I use a bookmarklet to capture the URI for linking. To ensure I have absolute URLs in my feeds, I use a filter to convert said URIs.
Je fais un #website pour un collectif d'ami·es non tech. Selon vous quelle est la meilleure manière pour qu'iels s'en sortent sans moi pour mettre à jour & modifier le site?
Un #CMS à part entière comme #Grav ?
Un #SSG comme #Eleventy , sur #gitlab ou sur un de leurs ordis?
Avec un #headlesscms ? Ou du sur-mesure?
Vous avez suggestion, bonne pratique, outil?
Sachant qu'il n'y a pas d'envie manifestée d'apprendre le web et l'utilisation du terminal etc.
Time to scrap my over-engineered, dusty blog for a lighter weight 11ty setup! Maybe even just a static page to start.
If folks have pro-tips or common traps to avoid, I'm all ears!
Website Optimization Measures, Part XXX:
Everybody website maintenance. On trimming input, updating WordPress ping services, cleaning up Eleventy architecture, reorganizing redirects, synchronizing server log configs, replacing dependencies by native Node functionality, adding minimal dark mode (HTML edition), and unfancying error pages.
Today marks the release of version 3.25 of my website. It's been 4 years since 3.0, and the migration to #Eleventy.
It's a significant release for me, because I gave up on my self-imposed "1 font limit" and added a new font (the wonderful Space Mono) for content. It's a good match with Titillium Web, which is still used for navigation, headings and a couple of other things.
I've also added tags to the homepage: an additional way to discover what I wrote over the years.
My website at is down right now. I made the switch to Eleventy and the DNS change is propagating.
Changing to Eleventy was fun - once the site is up again, I'll post about my experiences doing the migration from Hugo.
A single Nunjucks filter is called 12684 times during each #Eleventy build.
Adding memoization to this filter allowed me to go from 5963ms to 301ms for this filter, a 95% improvement!
@eleventy I tried it, and it works!
How easy/hard would it be to add the before/modified_before parameters? Just for a bit of flexibility with importing. Eg:
I also have a query about WP feature images but I'll add that to GitHub instead
Also #eleventy is the best!
Feels good documenting my latest works in progress and finished projects on my little corner of the web.
#Web #IndieWeb #Eleventy #11ty #MastoArt
#CeramicArt #Ceramics #Ceramic #Pottery #Clay #Bristol
Creating connections with music and technology via @damianwalsh #Development #Webdev #Eleventy #Music
Back in December 2024, while I was doing the usual end-of-year contemplation, Spotify's annual Wrapped feature arrived, ringing a bell in my mind. I realised my scattershot listening habits on Spotify and the snapshot Wrapped presents failed to capture my changing tastes over time or evoke...
Adding #Obsidian & #Github Style Alert / Callout Blocks Using #11ty and markdown-it Plugins