"Your hands are capable of creating wonders, your mind can weave dreams into reality. Be the artisan of your own destiny." - Unknown
"Your hands are capable of creating wonders, your mind can weave dreams into reality. Be the artisan of your own destiny." - Unknown
Bad times need #beauty and #colours. I started a notebook only for doodling because #meditation is too boring for me. It helps me to calm down after reading the news, to shift my perspective.
Against the #instagramization: I use a notebook for 2.99 E and cheap ink pens for children. You don't need brands or much money to be creative!
Wir können auch Papiercollagen
so wie aktuell im gleichnamigen Kurs mit der vhs Tempelhof-Schöneberg.
Der nächste Kurs findet am Wochenende 12./13. April statt: „Botanik aus Papier geschnitten – Botanische Collage“
#VHS #Berlin #Collage #Art #PaperArt #Design #Creativity #Volkshochschule @volkshochschule
My new post on Substack. Art is for everyone! Get creating! #faith #art #creativity #spirituality
Très heureux de participer à l'Amours VIe édition
à la galerie Espace Temps - Paris
du 10 au 13 avril 2025.
Vernissage le 9 avril à 18h.
98 rue Quincampoix PARIS
J'y exposerai la peinture "Black bird" 40x40cm - Peinture acrylique - 2024 ...
Commissariat : Laurent Quénéhen
#amours #blackbird #love #manunderwear #acrylicpainting #vincentpuren #vincentpurenart #birdlovers #lovealwayswins
#Art #Exposition #Peinture #ContemporaryArt #ExpoParis #Creativity #Galerie #FigurativeArt
"Creating with your hands is the silent echo of your soul's dance. Let every stitch, stroke, and sculpt tell the story only you can craft." - Unknown
Dare to fail mightily, a challenge for fellow creatives in this week’s dear creative soul letter.
"In the heart of every craftsman lies a dream to transform ordinary materials into extraordinary creations, proving that with passion and persistence, the hands can sculpt not just objects but futures." - Unknown
Update for March.
Stuff that I’ve been working on since the last full moon.
The power of colour in interior design: boldness or moderation?
The elegance of the interior lies not so much in moderation as in taking risks with wisdom and precision.
Discover MORE and SUBSCRIBE to our summary of news and updates through link: https://amusementlogic.com/general-news/the-power-of-colour-in-interior-design-boldness-or-moderation/
“We think we understand the rules when we become adults, but what we really experience is a narrowing of the imagination” (David Lynch)
"In the heart of every craftsman lies a dream not just of creation, but of sharing that creation with the world. It is this shared dream that builds bridges between cultures and generations." - Anon.
These are only a few reasons why I love to have @brendandawes at #btconf in Düsseldorf. Tspeakerintroy more. Welcome (back) to the Düsseldorf family dear Brendan! https://beyondtellerrand.com/blog/speaker-intro-brendan-dawes
Art Is to Console Those Who Are Broken by Life
#pod #art #healing #creativity #expression #inspiration #console #hope #life #artists #dreamers #beauty #resilience #compassion #strength
Act Out Tees is where creativity meets self-expression ~ www.actouttees.com
How to keep creating when your world falls apart. A list of ten considerations for creatives who are battling an illness, for instance, with a bonus tip for those who want to go the activist route.
“There was a kid I once taught. I asked him if he could play the piano, and his response was, “I don’t know. I haven’t tried.”
~Inua Ellams
(Now that’s healthy self-confidence.)
Art frees up the possibilities for change. Damn, I love that.
#art #writing #reading #creativity
Unendlich viele Möglichkeiten
Marmorieren ist jedes Mal ein bisschen wie Zauberei. Und ich kann es kaum erwarten, weiterzuzaubern und den Outcome mit euch zu teilen – ihr könnt euch auf jeden Fall schon mal auf bunte Farben und schöne Muster freuen!
#marbling #watermarbling #papermarbling #ebru #suminagashi #marmorieren #paper #papercraft #handmade #bookbinding #crafty #creativity #diy #madeinvienna #handwerkauswien
Hey, ich bin Gisi.
Kreativ, mit viel Herz.
Ich liebe es Papier zu marmorieren und daraus schöne Dinge zu gestalten.
Hier möchte ich gerne zeigen, was beim Marmorieren alles möglich ist und was daraus entstehen kann.
Na dann, los geht's.
#marbling #watermarbling #papermarbling #ebru #suminagashi #marmorieren #paper #papercraft #handmade #giftideas #bookbinding #bookart #crafty #creativity #diy #femaleentrepreneur #femaleempowerment #supportsmallbusiness #madeinvienna #handwerkauswien