Honoured to join @digitalgoodnet panel on a good digital society at @BBCRD shared insights on community-led design & governance from my cooperativa digital project #DigitalEquity #PlatformCooperatives #Codesign #commons
Honoured to join @digitalgoodnet panel on a good digital society at @BBCRD shared insights on community-led design & governance from my cooperativa digital project #DigitalEquity #PlatformCooperatives #Codesign #commons
Updating my #introduction to celebrate changed balance of life things. I live and walk by the sea in Wollongong, and I’m a gardener. In 2025 I joined up with a small organisation focused on compassionate ways of working in healthcare. I’ve been on here since 2016 and I’m still here, listening and thinking.
I believe we have to work together differently to face the future we’re facing. Life is fragile.
#compostodon #TransRights #SafeWork #CoDesign and curious about most things
Are you researching in #OpenStreetMap , #Feminism and #dataviz ? Do you create #dataviz using #Rstats? Do you have experience with #codesign?
If the answer is yes, we are looking for you! @twm and I are looking for a Part-time Research Assistant to join our @digitalgoodnet project.
+info here:
deadline: 12/01/2025
At the All Things Open conference, Mer Joyce explained the co-design process that led to the Open Source AI Definition: https://opensource.org/ai/process
#opensource #codesign
The #Codesign Template from Anna Seravalli et al, through Bauhaus of the Seas - a useful teaching resource https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1826944/FULLTEXT01.pdf
It's happening. August 3rd, 10am, I defend this thing that's been kicking around my brain for about five years.
@impactology I highly recommend you check out “The Corruption of Co-Design” by Busch & Palmås. It’s a lucid application of critical theory to #design. I haven’t finished it yet, but the last 3rd of the book is dedicated to developing an alternative approach/posture for design, particularly #codesign and #participatorydesign. So far it’s one of the most exciting design books I’ve read in years. Thanks to @daspitzberg for bringing it to my attention.
Looking forward to reading the Corruption of Codesign, but also reading the blurb / abstract makes me wonder what political and philosophical claims are being made when people call their position “realist”?
My immediate reaction (acknowledging philosophical and historical tradition behind the term) is usually
#design #codesign #politics #participatoryDesign
Got a 6-10yo future designer?
KidsTeam UW will have a full-day summer program from July 24 – 28, 2023, and 2x a week meetups after school on Tu/Th. We are especially interested in working with BIPOC & girls.
KidsTeam UW is fully hybrid now! http://kidsteam.ischool.uw.edu
#kumu is a network mapping tool and I honestly love it.
I'm using it to illustrate linkages between all the people who attended our community #sustainability #codesign session last week.
Hello #designers, #scholars, and #researchers. I'm currently looking at the intersections of #design practice and #OneHealth approaches for a research project.
I'd like to find out if anyone has been or is working on it or know projects that I can look at as references, from #ProductDesign to #CoDesign, to #ServiceDesign.
Share and boost are welcome :)
I'm collecting suggestions and findings here:
I'm updating it as I go, so this thread remains open for suggestions. If anyone knows also about tools/toolkits that go beyond visuals (for example that can be used with deaf people), or in languages beyond English, feel free to share, I'll add it to the list.
Hello #Designers, I'm currently working on a #codesign activity, and I am aggregating tools and toolkit that open and available for #researchers and #policymakers. There are quite a lot of them, and that got me curious:
for those of view running #design #workshops in #participatory, #inclusive, and #social contexts, which #tools and #toolkit do you use/recommend?