No, Dollar Tree, no! You have done a Wrong Thing!
No, Dollar Tree, no! You have done a Wrong Thing!
Bad design
La pub choc d’une compagnie pakistanaise, de nouveau autorisée à voler en France après quatre ans
40 Times People Had Awful Taste But Executed Their Ideas Flawlessly.
Surprisingly, there are quite a few displays of quality craftsmanship made in the least elegant, thoroughly bad design. #design #baddesign
Every time I'm forced to use #brightspace (so about every day) I have the urge to find whoever is responsible for its shitty, substandard, user-hating state of existence and lock them in a room while I give them a 3-hour lecture on how shitty, substandard, and user-hating this trash #software is.
I actually didn't need to apply any heat to remove the glue holding the screen on! The bulging battery had separated almost three quarters of it by the time my replacement parts arrived.
The pull tabs to unglue the battery from the chassis absolutely did not work as designed. I'm lucky #iFixIt has both a parts kit and repair instructions, otherwise I'd have been out of luck.
#SmartPhone #RightToRepair #BadDesign #DIY #eWaste
Protip: Let the expanding battery do the work of weakening the glue for you.
#RightToRepair #iFixit #SmartPhone #BadDesign
When you are typing text on a computer, after every character entered there should be small period of time, say 0.5 seconds, in which it is not possible for another application to pop up a dialog that steals input focus.
Make everything else fucking wait until I have finished typing. I promise you there is nothing so urgent that I will be glad my focus was yanked away in the middle of a word.
Cheap garden light from #LIDL after first rain.
Who designed this? And who slapped IP44 rating on it?
#fail #badDesign #solarLight #crap #landfilled
Today’s #BadDesign #UXFail. If it looks like a button, it should act like a button.
I buy a wooden toothbrush to not waste useless plastic, and they put it in plastic...
Ok but why...?
Is it just me who finds the #OrdnanceSurvey #map #symbols for #SolarFarms dissatisfactory? Not only are they too literal and insufficiently simplified (note #church symbols)—I’d suggest a stylised #sun alone would suffice—but what really gets my goat is the symbols’ orientation, which implies that the sun shines from the north-west quarter of the #sky (which in the #Northern #Hemisphere it NEVER DOES!). #Saturday #morning #rant over! #BadDesign #Cartography #Maps #Symbology
“We need to stop treating ‘okay design’ like it’s ‘bad design.’ There’s a big difference between ‘could be better’ and ‘this is unusable,’ and it benefits nobody.” — Rosscott
#Design #ProductDesign #UxDesign #UiDesign #WebDesign #GoodDesign #BadDesign #Quote