Here is the single most useful and economical #vegan recipe I have ever found: Shan tofu.
I have a fancy blender, so I mill the flour myself from a bag of dry beans, but it’s just as great and easy from store-bought chickpea flour.
My mum made chocolate tiffin for me as a child, It's an easy Scottish no-bake and this version is made with cornflakes and peanut butter. A really indulgent treat. Have you made or eaten tiffin before? #veganrecipes #vegan
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ma newest ceramics
handmade with love & joined by my loves miko & seba mou
andie werk-zeug.
andie brassat, vorstadt 10, 2. og, ch-schaffhausen
. mastodon (de) andie brassat
. pixelfed (think canada) anlu777
. threema (ch) andie brassat
#andie #art #craft #handmade #recycled #animalrescueing #vegan #sanishunde #ceramics
#scooby75 #uniques #faccanischuhe #qunst #gewürznote #clay #pottery #silverrings #bogenkaffee #tee #geschenke
#vegan Seared Broccoli and Potato Soup. A winner. Shout out for the recipe.
Yall, i need urgent help affording new glasses and some other things, please donate to help me afford those, im an extremely poor trans girl who lives in an abusive housing situation and need help affording those any amount will help
current goals:
food: 75$/75$
prescription glasses: 215$/250$
miscellaneous basics: 0$/100$
payment information:
cashapp referral (i make 5$):
monero address: 8576pqM8cmNW92eogjqnYzEewZbmwUbY61xRcGmbVCFphchaXKyAad1Xj9oNrYWQNqZkcm2kCHEzea4Y5Wd3DMUW4DozSV2
Hace unas semanas compartí la receta que sigo para hacer seitán, y también para hacer seitán a la cerveza. Tuvo muy buena acogida entre la gente. Mis publicaciones se borran al cabo de dos semanas, y se me olvidó marcar las recetas para que no se borraran :(
Las comparto de nuevo y esta vez, sí que sí, las marco para que no se borren. Y pido disculpas a todas las personas que se quedaron sin receta
to nasz pierwszy post na Mastodonie, więc wypada się przedstawić.
Dziś mija dokładnie 16 lat, od kiedy działamy dla zwierząt i pomyśleliśmy, że to dobry moment, by zainaugurować naszą obecność w Fediversum.
Czym się zajmujemy? Ratujemy, głównie ptaki i małe ssaki, ale wszystkie zwierzęta są dla nas ważne, nikomu nie odmawiamy pomocy, bo nie dzielimy ich na te do kochania i do jedzenia. Edukujemy w zakresie prawnej i humanitarnej ochrony zwierząt, rozbudzamy empatię i inspirujemy do zmian, tak by świat stał się lepszym miejscem dla wszystkich zwierząt, także ludzkich.
Od 2016 roku prowadzimy działania strażnicze, analizujemy, jak polski system prawny chroni zwierzęta i w miarę regularnie publikujemy raporty z naszych badań.
Będziemy tu pisać o prawnej (humanitarnej) ochronie zwierząt, teorii praw zwierząt, weganizmie, bezpośredniej pomocy zwierzętom i wielu innych sprawach. Zapraszamy do śledzenia naszego profilu i na nasze strony:
Go vegan!
Yall, i need urgent help affording new glasses and some other things, please donate to help me afford those, im an extremely poor trans girl who lives in an abusive housing situation and need help affording those any amount will help
current goals:
food: 75$/75$
prescription glasses: 215$/250$
miscellaneous basics: 0$/100$
payment information:
cashapp referral (i make 5$):
monero address: 8576pqM8cmNW92eogjqnYzEewZbmwUbY61xRcGmbVCFphchaXKyAad1Xj9oNrYWQNqZkcm2kCHEzea4Y5Wd3DMUW4DozSV2
Un jeu de mots un peu douteux s'est transformé en très joli plat vegétalien de fête.
La recette de nos dim-sums VéGéE est désormais sur le blog.
Liebe vegan-Bubble,
ich such Ideen für veganes Pesto, das günstig in größeren Mengen produziert werden kann.
Habt ihr Vorschläge? Bärlauch steht schon.
I've been looking into #veganism for few years now.
Have tried following too.
But I think one way to start reducing animal cruelty is by introducing and promoting veganism or anti-animal cruelty by things that are easy to shift.
Which is leather, and using animals for transportation.
As I find vegan diet to be controversial as veganism is love towards animals which is part of nature.
While our omnivorous diets are also what have been natural and going against it does show us decline in health which can be helped through supplements.
Which again is controversial when it comes to factory made and helping big pharma etc.
I just have to give a big shout-out to Mannheim-based Anna Fronek who just makes the BEST vegan cake recipes! She's a geniuuuus (recipes are only available in German, but I'll gladly translate for you if you want!) - check her recipes out
(she's also a really funny and kind person and a fellow antifascist)
I just made her carrot pecan cheesecake creation and I love it so so much, wish I could share with everyone!
Yall, i need urgent help affording new glasses and some other things, please donate to help me afford those, im an extremely poor trans girl who lives in an abusive housing situation and need help affording those any amount will help
current goals:
food: 75$/75$
prescription glasses: 215$/250$
miscellaneous basics: 0$/100$
payment information:
cashapp referral (i make 5$):
monero address: 8576pqM8cmNW92eogjqnYzEewZbmwUbY61xRcGmbVCFphchaXKyAad1Xj9oNrYWQNqZkcm2kCHEzea4Y5Wd3DMUW4DozSV2
Je me suis mis la recette du Houmous sur pour l'avoir sous la main parce que le Houmous c'est quand même surper bon :-) #vegan #food
L'Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation publie deux études sur les régimes végétariens.
Une pour en aborder les bénéfices et les risques. L'autre pour fixer des repères alimentaires pour manger végéta*ien et équilibré.
Yall, i need urgent help affording new glasses and some other things, please donate to help me afford those, im an extremely poor trans girl who lives in an abusive housing situation and need help affording those any amount will help
current goals:
food: 75$/75$
prescription glasses: 215$/250$
miscellaneous basics: 0$/100$
payment information:
cashapp referral (i make 5$):
monero address: 8576pqM8cmNW92eogjqnYzEewZbmwUbY61xRcGmbVCFphchaXKyAad1Xj9oNrYWQNqZkcm2kCHEzea4Y5Wd3DMUW4DozSV2