#dinosaur #paleoart #paleontology #kanatigoth #Meme #MemeCut #CapCut
#dinosaur #paleoart #paleontology #kanatigoth #Meme #MemeCut #CapCut
My 25 years of palaeoart chronology...
Some zooms into my "Denizens of the Beach and Copse" painting (2022), showing the Severn Estuary in the Late Devonian. Featured are a group of Elginerpeton, an Ichthyostega, fungi, slime moulds, algae, rhyniophytes, zosterophylls, lycopsids, & equisetids.
My 25 years of palaeoart chronology...
The third and final Severn Estuary painting (2022), this time showing the Late Devonian. "Denizens of the Beach and Copse" features a group of Elginerpeton, an Ichthyostega, fungi, slime moulds, algae, rhyniophytes, lycopsids, equisetids, & others.
Une nouvelle gravure avec la progression du travail !
1- Le brouillon
2- Le crayonné sur la plaque
3- la plaque gravée
4- le tirage (presque) final
Le biotope dépeint est celui de l'île de Hațeg, au crétacé supérieur. C'est aussi une référence au documentaire #PrehistoricPlanet
My 25 years of palaeoart chronology...
Here's a second painting of the Severn Estuary, this time during the Early Carboniferous. Called "Primeval Clevedon Bay," it features fish, crinoids, othrocones, corals, gastropods, and brachiopods. This painting was the first winner of the Marsh Palaeoart Award.
My 25 years of palaeoart chronology...
Into 2022 with a painting of the Severn Estuary during the Middle Triassic, called "The Salt Lake Severn," featuring Thecodontosaurus, cycads (Dioonitocarpidium), ferns (Thaumatopteris), and dust devils.
My 25 years of palaeoart chronology...
Here's Western Interior Seaway mural 3, which I painted in 2021 for the Children's Museum of Indianapolis, USA. Featured are a school of Apsopelix fish, Squalicorax battling an octopod, and a Tusoteuthis with blue bioluminescence.
My 25 years of palaeoart chronology...
Here's the diplodocid sauropod growth rate mural art I created for the Children's Museum of Indianapolis, in 2021.
My 25 years of palaeoart chronology...
One last Platecarpus painting, from the Children's Museum of Indianapolis, USA (I supplied them with four murals and three illustrations for graphics boards).
My 25 years of palaeoart chronology...
In 2021 I created a bunch of paintings for the Children's Museum of Indianapolis, USA. I painted four murals and three illustrations for graphics boards. Here's one of the illustrations featuring the ichthyosaur Baptanodon.
My 25 years of palaeoart chronology...
Here are some photos of the mosasaur half of my large Western Interior Seaway mural (2021) for Children's Museum of Indianapolis. Also pictured are a bunch of marine reptile fossils, including a Platecarpus skull.
#SciArt #SciComm #PaleoArt #PalaeoArt #Platecarpus #Tylosaurus #Mosasaurus #JurassicPark #JurassicWorld #FossilFriday#Art #Painting #PaleoArt #PalaeoArt #SciArt #SciComm #DigitalArt #Illustration #Dinosaurs #Reptiles #Palaeontology #Paleontology
My 25 years of palaeoart chronology...
Here's a closer look at the school of Caproberyx around a Tylosaurus skeleton, from the fish half of my large Western Interior Seaway mural (2021) for Children's Museum of Indianapolis, USA. Also featured are a Xiphactinus, Apsopelix, and a variety of ammonites.
My 25 years of palaeoart chronology...
Here's the fish half of my large Western Interior Seaway mural (2021) for Children's Museum of Indianapolis, USA. Featured are a Xiphactinus, Apsopelix, a school of Caproberyx around a Tylosaurus skeleton, and a variety of ammonites.
My 25 years of palaeoart chronology...
Yesterday's hunter becomes the prey. Here's the mosasaur half of my large mural (2021) for Children's Museum of Indianapolis, USA. Featured are a group of Platecarpus fleeing a Tylosaurus, Apsopelix fish, and a variety of ammonites.