#Arctic climate rankings are now in for February 2025: https://zacklabe.com/archive-2025/. This was a historic month for the region with record warm conditions and record low sea ice relative to any prior February.

#Arctic climate rankings are now in for February 2025: https://zacklabe.com/archive-2025/. This was a historic month for the region with record warm conditions and record low sea ice relative to any prior February.
I have been approach by an editor of #JOSS (https://fediscience.org/@joss@fosstodon.org) who told me about #JOSE (https://jose.theoj.org/ - for which I could not find a Mastodon handle).
The idea is to provide a low-hurdle academic reward for open access educational material -- with a particular computational emphasis.
Thing is, that you hardly get an academic “paper” if you develop teaching material. So, this might be appealing for some folk here.
Submitting preprints to PsyArXiv has just become easier!
Check out the blog post to learn more about a new streamlined preprint submission workflow!
#OpenScience #psychology
Do they got an similar alteration of codes and values for #FAIR-Principles and #OER ?
Comment peut-on utiliser #Wikidata pour la valorisation et le partage scientifique des données de la recherche ?
C'est ce que je propose de présenter aux journées annuelles du réseau @mate_shs_cnrs ! Cette année, la thématique porte sur la Valorisation des données, des résultats et des codes.
Les inscriptions sont ouvertes !
>15 et 16 mai 2025
I just updated my #Arctic sea-ice thickness and volume graphics for February 2025 using PIOMAS data: https://zacklabe.com/arctic-sea-ice-volumethickness/
This month was the 2nd lowest February volume on record.
Perhaps most importantly, when you support arXiv, you support . . . your own work!
arXiv promotes scientific advancement by making it fast, easy, & free for you to share your research & discover new science every single day. #openscience
Last year, we found that @OpenAlex was mistakenly marking some papers as retracted—misleading researchers. We @hauschke reported the issue, posted a preprint in March 2024, and… #OpenAlex fixed it almost instantly!
Meanwhile, our peer-reviewed paper on this? Published today - over a year later. See the difference? Preprints matter. Open science works.
Thanks to DataCite’s Global Access Fund 2024, the DataMap/Amazon initiative is transforming climate research by centralizing, curating & improving access to Amazonian atmospheric data from key projects. This initiative enhances data sharing, discoverability, and collaboration across Brazil & Latin America, supporting vital climate research through the use of DOIs.
Read more: https://doi.org/10.5438/w208-es37
#OpenScience #OpenResearch #DataSharing #AmazonResearch #ClimateData
If someone needs to backup all USDA SNOTEL data (as climate adjacent) and therefore "reasons", here is gist using my {snotelr} #rstats package.
I will give a talk during our institute's AI day about
"The Dark Side of AI"
and plan to speak about negative consequences of AI in science like a flood of AI-generated low-quality papers, ethical, privacy, environmental issues, AI-generated reviews etc. Some good examples/analyses of what is already there and what may be coming would be appreciated!
The obstetric history workflow and data entry has been extensively reviewed in upcoming #GNUHealth HIS 5.0 .
Here's a preview @gnuhealth
#obstetrics #GNU #OpenScience
On peut avoir un prix pour son son travail dans la science ouverte et très peu investir #Wikipédia... Tout en ayant des liens avec la communauté wiki.
Comment se passe un parcours doctoral avec la science ouverte ? Pourquoi ne contribue-t-on pas sur Wikipédia ?
C'est le sujet du dernier Wikicafé avec @auroreturbiau et @mage.
Le replay est en ligne !
Im Workshop zu "Potentialen einer offenen Fehlerkultur für #Forschungsdaten" arbeiten wir an Strategien zur Etablierung einer offenen Fehlerkultur im #Forschungsdatenmanagement.
The fourth hashtag#FNSO call for projects on open scientific publishing is open !
You have until May 21, 2025 to submit your project!
Something about #openrxiv rubs me the wrong way, beyond being unclear about what exactly is “open”:
It’s all cast in the mantle of “independence” and “sustainability”, but then it seems to be fully dependent on the millions of dollars given by CZI and other problematic philanthropists.
Also the pay expectation for their CEO is $240,000-$320,000, which doesn’t help lowering the burn rate?
[Reading] passionnant, et si bien écrit : "Di Cosmo R., Granger S., Hinsen K., Jullien N., Le Berre D., Louvet V., Maumet C., Maurice C., Monat R. et Rougier N. P., « CODE beyond FAIR »=> https://inria.hal.science/hal-04930405
#FAIRprinciples #researchdatamanagement #openscience #researchsoftwares #reproductibility #science #FLOSS #digitalpreservation
Het is weer tijd voor een nieuwsbrief!
Met deze keer:
Nieuws over oa @fosdem, @mozillaofficial, publicspaces@publicspaces.net, @openstate, onderwijs, wetenschap en meer!
Nieuwe leden: @nluug & @stichtinginternetarchive
Meerdere openstaande vacatures.
en meer!
Nieuwsbrief direct in je mailbox?
Meld je aan via:
[veille] #ebooks Kosmopoulos Chr. et Schöpfel J., "Publier, partager, réutiliser les données de la recherche : les data papers et leurs enjeux" Pr. Univ. du Septentrion=> https://www.septentrion.com/fr/book/?GCOI=27574100316700
#openscience #datapapers #researchdatamanagement #FAIRprinciples #FAIRdata #publishing
Welcome openRxiv! I'm very excited about this new development in life science preprints
@biorxivpreprint #preprint #preprints #OpenScience #OpenAccess