L'hiver se termine, les merles recommencent à chanter, indifférents aux vacarmes humains.
L'hiver se termine, les merles recommencent à chanter, indifférents aux vacarmes humains.
Aujourd'hui je vous montre un poster sur les Petits #mammiferes ! Réalisé à partir d'illustrations que j'avais faites pour le Groupe Mammalogique Normand... Pour aider à l'identification de ces petites bêtes
Vous les connaissiez tous ??
Il est disponible au format A2, à 5€ !
#micromammiferes #rat #campagnol #souris #musaraigne #crocidura #poster #nature #naturaleza #naturaliste #illustration #naturedrawing #NatureDaily #naturelovers #naturephotography #animalrights #AnimalDrawing #smallmammals #dessin #mastodon #MastoArt #mastodonart #artiste #GMN #procreate #procreateart #sciart #wildlife #WildlifeConservation
Bonjour à tous !
Aujourd'hui une Belette d'Europe au crayon ! Tirages disponibles ici : https://clairemotzart.etsy.com/listing/1688506404
à 26€ jusqu'au 10 février !
#MastoArt #mammals #photo #photonature #wildlife #wildlifephotography #ecologie #biodiversite #nature #naturephotography #wildlifeprotection #environnement #dessinnaturaliste #dessinnature #animaux #animalrights #stopchasse #nuisible #illustration #IllustrationNaturaliste #sciart #naturedrawing #naturepic
OMG, this BEAUTY at the Western Hills Garden. I thought I was seeing flowers, and was happy to discover the blushing pink are new leaves, which then transform dramatically during their lifespan. Can you relate? (I know I can...)
Meet this willow at the Western Hills Garden; I'm teaching Intro to Nature Journaling on Sat Jul 22. You should come!
Keeping up with microblogs from South Devon, here some sketchy notes.
Dartmoor ponies are such amazing models!
#MastoArt #Journaling #Sketching #UrbanSketching #Nature #NatureDrawing ##Drawing #Watercolour #diary
Sketchbook page with nuts and rose hips wich drawing is your favorite?
It's FINALLY feeling like Spring...a great time to begin or broaden your Nature Journal Practice! Join me and the awesome @mjbroadbent this Sat (Apr 15) at Annie's Annuals (@anniesannuals) in Richmond a 3-hr hands-on workshop where you'll fall deeper in love with the beauty of the natural world. Registration required: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/workshop-nature-journaling-for-garden-enthusiasts-tickets-538035878797