July 13, 1938, Howard Hughes landing and taking off from Weeks Field at Fairbanks. The eccentric millionaire was flying his Lockheed Super Electra during a record-setting round-the-world flight, which he completed in 91 hours. #alaskahistory #alaska
I'm more in love with it every day, and excited to share: The cover of #ghostsofdistanttrees features Fairbanks artist Sara Tabbert's "In Cold Shadow."
An EO is not a law! This is called obeying in advance. How DARE UAA do this on land STOLEN from Indigenous peoples! #Alaska #DiversityEquityInclusion #DoNotObeyInAdvance
15 years ago today we moved into this magical place in Bear Valley, AK. 15 wonderful years of animals, aurora, and amazing views of Denali. #Alaska #Anchorage #BearValley #Home
An unnamed peak in the Alaska Range, with small glaciers and cascading icefalls feeding into the Loket Tributary. This ice eventually joins the massive Black Rapids Glacier further downstream.
Glacier info: https://www.lwpetersen.com/alaska-information/black-rapids-glacier/
6:00AM: 43F, light rain.
Very gusty winds now and all last night. The NWS didn't warn us that the gale winds would come onshore so it was a surprised when we came out of the ER last night.
"ER?" you may ask. Swear to God, I got something in my eye - just floated in from the ether - and it felt like a razor blade every time I closed my eye. After trying for 45 min on our own to get it out, it was off to the ER at 9PM. (I'm OK.)
Heck of an end to John's bday!
In case you were wondering, why yes, the tripod on the Tanana River at Nenana is still standing. Tuesday early afternoon +5F (-15.0C), northwest wind 6 mph. Webcam photo courtesy Nenana Ice Classic. #akwx #Alaska #NenanaIceClassic
→ Join seabirds as they #migrate, encountering #human communities along the way
“In the town of San Quintín, #Mexico, the #seabirds’ late-fall arrival is greeted by a joyful festival. In the early spring, researchers working on the coast of the #US state of Washington engage in a tagging initiative to track their movements. And in Hooper Bay, #Alaska, […] a Yup’ik community gathers #eggs in an annual harvest that’s endured for centuries […]”
Alaska legislature resolution recognizing Canada’s sovereignty
Alaska "recognizes that relationships matter and are far more important than maybe the almighty dollar at times, and we have to stand up for that and recognize that the longest partner that Alaska has ever had and will ever have in the future has been our partnership with the nation of Canada, and we are speaking to that relationship, because keeping our partnership with Canada strong isn't just good policy, it's essential to the Alaskan way of life and to who we are as a people”
Committee passed. Next: 2nd reading & debate
#yukon #alaska #canada
The Asgard Tor at the Granite Tors in the Chena River State Recreation Area near Fairbanks, Alaska. One of my favorite places to hike (or snowshoe) year-round.
Info in my hiking guide: https://www.lwpetersen.com/alaska-guide/granite-tors-trail/
Alaskan state representatives will visit Japan this month to court investors for a natural gas project that U.S. President Donald Trump says could pump trillions of dollars into the United States. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/business/2025/03/17/alaska-investors-japan/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=mastodon #business #donaldtrump #alaska #us #usjapanrelations #energy #gas #lng #southkorea #tariffs
A winter night in the boreal forest near Fairbanks, Alaska. The full moon lights up the snow-covered ground, casting deep shadows from the spruce and willows. Ice crystals on the surface catch the light, sparkling in the still, cold air. This is easily one of my favorite (non-aurora) night images!
6:00AM: 36F, overcast.
We must have had a snow flurry last night because my phone's lock screen had snow falling over my forest scene.
Nothing stuck, however. At least where I am.
100% chance of snow showers today, so maybe I'll get another crazy pic of 50 cent piece sized flakes!
Come to think of it, are 50c pieces still in circulation? I haven't seen one in years.
March 22, 1925, Nome Serum Run veteran Balto is given a bone-shaped key to Seattle by Ben Ferguson of the Alaska-Yukon Pioneers. Via Seattle Mohai. #alaskahistory #alaska
No real snow since November, bare grass up until 3 days ago at the house and now this. False spring got me again this year ;) #Alaska #Anchorage #BearValley #Snow #NotSpring #MyAlaskaWx
#Alaska #weather acting up again y’all.
Two days ago vs. Two weeks ago.
it has snowed more in the past three days than it has in the past three months.
Oh, also there’s a #volcanoeruption on the horizon
A jumbled mess of seracs and an ice arch in the Gabriel Icefall on the Gulkana Glacier. Seracs form where two or more crevasses intersect, often creating towering blocks of unstable ice.
I have a short article on crevasses here: https://www.lwpetersen.com/definitions/glaciers/crevasse-glacier/