Does anyone here use a Sling bag? I am tired of carrying a GIANT backpack around, and could use something smaller. I do have a hip bag that I use as a sling, but at 1litre, it's real smol.
I was interested in the Patagonia Atom Sling, but it only works if you use it across the left shoulder... which would be uncomfortable for me.
I've also considered the North Face Borealis Sling which appears to work on either side.
Any other suggestions?
@andycarolan I've got a couple from Alpaka - Elements Tech Case & Go Sling Mini. The materials are absolutely top notch and there's so many pockets and zips and nooks. Some of the best purchases I've made for a while
They've got a range of slings (imo a few too many products, it's difficult to decide between them all)
@marsh931 There's a LOT of choice on there for sure!