save images, UI, icons, websites, photos, animations, etc. you like in a collection somewhere. I cannot recommend it enough. this is my goldmine
(this is Eagle app which I highly recommend. saves things locally and has great organization options)
@gn Woah! Getting started with this tonight.
@gn also, hi to my keyboard!
@joeyabanks hahahah! I was wondering who was gonna comment on me having an archive of their work
@gn Would you be open to sharing the Shortcut you made with me? I'm absolutely in love with Eagle.
@joeyabanks it’s super simple. “Eagle” in the save action is a folder in my icloud drive that eagle on my mac watches to auto import from
@joeyabanks Once you have this set up, I put it at the top of my share sheet so I can share an image → tap save to eagle → it imports as soon as I open eagle on my mac
@gn brilliant. Thanks, Gavin!