C’est cool de voir venir pas mal de visite sur mon serveur Minitel ces temps-ci
C’est cool de voir venir pas mal de visite sur mon serveur Minitel ces temps-ci
This morning's magic trick is that I can now read my emails on the Minitel 1. Everyone will be doing this in the year 2000.
#minitel #pidp8i #raspberrypi #mutt #retrocomputing
Okay, a little more work on getting my head around cmus and this might be the most perfect audioplayer setup. I mean, better than Winamp even. Without a WIMPS interface it'd be clumsy to add new tracks to this, so we just add them on a USB stick as needed.
Just makes you a bit more mindful about the process of listening to music.
@LaurentChemla @gosseynaj pour les BBS il y en a… que j’ai croisé à propos du #minitel et de nos micro-serveurs des 80s
Benjamin Thierry a La Sorbonne (pas sûr qu’il soit sur le fediverse)
Okay, the Minitel 1 is connecting to the PiDP8-i as a terminal. That wasn't something I was expecting to figure out before lunchtime.
#pdp8 #pidp8i #raspberrypi #minitel #retrocomputing
Shit the bed! The Minitel 1 is only connected to the freaking infobahn! (Courtesy of an iodeo ESP32 serial interface)
#minitel #retrocomputing
J'ai trouvé une autre version de 1986 de la cassette "Je découvre Télétel" sur le Minitel
Vu qu'elle est en bon état, elle a pu être numérisée tout de suite et être mise en ligne sur mon serveur Peertube : https://peertube.gargantia.fr/w/4MWzv6w5tBVu8cyrAJ5wmx
Le lien pour récupérer le fichier audio en FLAC ou MP3 est dispo dans la description
Il n'est pas trop tard pour apprendre à se servir d'un Minitel !
Un jeu sur minitel va sortir en mars.
MINITEL ADVENTURE réalisé avec les étudiants de l'ESAD Orléans avec un serveur Raspberry pi et du wifi.
7. yay, dumped in 3 seconds with zero issues. we now have the world's first ROM dump of an AlexTel terminal!
why did i go through all this effort to dump the rom? because i want the juicy alextel font glyphs hidden somewhere inside!
thanks to @Screwtapello whose recent work on extracting the DEC VT-320 font from the DEC terminal, i *should* be able to figure it out
6. now time to dump that norpak ROM. the underside read "jl27c512d/n331018". i am no @foone so it took me a few tries to figure out what it was. a quick web search showed that it was some variant of the 27C512 - a 512 kbit EPROM (that's 64 kbytes).
the software i use for reading/writing roms on my TL-866/II programmer is called XGpro. when you type in 27C512, you get about 30 different options for that rom.
i knew a few things about it: it's a 28-pin package, and a DIP socket. so that narrowed it down to 20 choices.
i had to go through every single manufacturer option, read the chip, and watch it fail about 10 times. i finally stumbled on the right manufacturer (since "JL" wasn't an option) ... it read properly using Texas Instruments as the manufacturer: SMJ27C512
this is really fun. today i decided to start documenting and preserving the Bell Canada AlexTel terminal - the canadian equivalent of the beloved Minitel videotex service.
this little wonderful CRT terminal machine (with 9600 baud modem!) has very little historical or technical information out there, and it's time to fix that.
Voici un nouveau coloriage.
"Les résiliences telluriques"
Minitel Strip 712
J'avais rien de mieux à faire pendant les fêtes (c'est faux), donc j'ai développé un SDK en #Kotlin pour le développement de services #Minitel, et un énième clone de #Wordle :
Histoire de bien terminer l'année sur le blog, voici mon dernier article de 2024 avec mon compte rendu sur la remise en état de mon Minitel 1 à clavier ABCD "Telic-Alcatel TAE VB9.AE"
Il y a des gens qui ont eu leur Minitel avant Noël !
Je suis curieux de savoir si cette année il y en a qui en ont eu sous le sapin !
i had a lot of fun with this tonight.
back in the 80s and early 90s, Bell telephones in canada experimented with an on-line videotex service called ALEX/AlexTel. it was very much like France's Minitel system, except that it supported several protocols - videotex/minitel, NAPLPS and Telidon.
ALEX hasn't been very well preserved or documented, and after buying a little AlexTel terminal a couple of years ago, i've slowly started preserving and documenting as much of its history as possible.
tonight i reconstructed the Alex logo - beautifully stark yet futuristic - in a vectorized format. i've exported them to EPS and SVG here: