Some old news: "The job you'll be doing in the future hasn't been invented yet." That's been true for me since 1978!
Some old news: "The job you'll be doing in the future hasn't been invented yet." That's been true for me since 1978!
Chez les consultants du #numérique, un management et des départs brutaux -
> Le secteur des entreprises de services du numérique connaît un fort ralentissement, marqué par une forte hausse du nombre de licenciements et de ruptures conventionnelles. Sous les radars, nombre de consultants sont licenciés pour faute, pour des motifs abusifs.
La belle ville.
#Hamburg Menschen mit Interesse an #Wirtschaftspsychologie gesucht!
Du begeisterst dich für #Wirtschaftspsychologie und möchtest dich mit Praktiker*innen aus verschiedenen Bereichen dazu austauschen und Dich vernetzen? Dann könnte das hier was für Dich sein:
Einladung zum Praktiker*innen-Treffen der
Gesellschaft für angewandte Wirtschaftspsychologie e.V. (#GWPs)
Donnerstag, 24.04.2025
18:30 Uhr
Restaurant „Variable“, Karolinenstraße 23, 20357 Hamburg
Wir freuen uns auf spannende Gespräche rund um den wissenschaftlichen und praxisnahen Einsatz der Wirtschaftspsychologie, u. a. in: People & #Culture / (#HR Management)
#Marketing & #Marktforschung
#Consulting & #Change Management
Arbeit & #Technik
#Training & #Coaching
Wenn Du Interesse oder Fragen hast, melde dich einfach kurz bei mir. Wir freuen uns über bekannte und neue Gesichter!
Gerne weitersagen! Die Einladung kann an weitere Interessierte weitergeleitet werden. Eine Mitgliedschaft in der GWPs ist nicht erforderlich.
#science4practice #businesspsychology
Ich mache gerade meine #FirstSteps im #Fediverse und freue mich deshalb immer über Tipps, Feedback und Kommentare, um die Community besser kennenzulernen.
Share information, don't hoard it! Why? My perspective as a consultant & event designer, with support from a 1926 article on the craft of printing.
The utter panic of listening to a new client that works with abused women boast about their encryption, but it turns out they are just using a basic substitution cipher via some relative's first python script doing the substitution with the offset readable in cleartext.
I should be taking bets on how quickly I find the first external threat with active access in this network when I start going through things...
Here are Jerry Weinberg's Ten Laws of Pricing. If you like them and want to know more, do yourself a big favor and buy his book!
What does it take to be successfully self-employed, something I've managed to achieve for the last forty years? Here's what worked for me.
One major change as we enter the network era is that positional power may no longer be required to have influence in a network society.
Aim to serve your clients rather than please them
Here goes my #introduction for the mastodonians:
I am human living in #Reno #Nevada.
My work is so many things.. namely Hellenistic #astrology, #tarot, #energywork, #holistic #nutrition, #herbalism, #culinary #consulting, #visualart (mostly #collage), #horticulture when I can manage it, and a multitude of other fancies.
I’m here because I would like to find a platform outside of Meta where what I do and enjoy will be valued and shared.
I have no idea how to use this thing, so please help!
Consultants: Don't just talk the talk, walk the walk! Hands-on experience is key to successful consulting.
Steve Jobs said it best: #Consulting #DevOps #Architecture
Oodenaw (pronounced oh-day-naw) is an indigenous consulting cooperative, comprising 2 indigenous women and a settler ally.
They collaborate on projects that “foster the well-being of our members and uplift our communities.” Their mission is rooted in an Indigenous business model that embraces a healthy, supportive, and community-centered approach.”
Work is weird. Well, consulting at least.
I left my last role as they had me in an office solo for over 4 months with no tasks. Not sure why they hired me for me to not do anything. After 6 months, I left that role to manage a team of consultants.
I was excited but as soon as I took over the project, the existing team quit (due to how poorly upper management treated them). I was pretty freaked out as this was a massive red flag but I persisted, being the only one managing the budget and daily operations of this project. To be honest, it has taken a lot out of me and my family has seen that. An old boss and friend reached out and offered me a role to which I accepted. Better hours, better benefits, less stress, and I won't be solo.
I don't know why but I'm dreading having the conversation with my current boss and letting him know I'm leaving.
Comment challenger les pratiques de transformation organisationnelle grâce au design de services ?
Les pratiques de transformation organisationnelle incitent parfois à adopter la posture de « consultant » telle que celle pratiquée dans les cabinets de conseil. Pourtant, au quotidien, mon activité professionnelle s’intègre à celle de collègues designers de services.
#innovation #design #designthinking #transformationorganisationnelle #consulting #innovationpublique
People dealing with international clients:
What is your favorite cross-currency invoicing service, and why?
Hey friends. In my job hunting, I'm becoming curious about the world of consulting, especially in the tech arena.
I feel like consulting makes sense with a lot of my expertise. It feels similar to other independent work I've done, where it's less what you call it and more how you do it and who you know. But it also seems hard? Does this seem right?
Do you consult? Have you before? I'd love as much real-life context and quality advice as I can get.
Thank you
HIRING: Solutions Architecture Architect – AI/ML, Data Science, Data Engineering / USA VA Herndon - 13857 Mclearen Road (VAS091) USD 176K+
Someone at startup event LevelUp asked me about my drives and goals in running Datakami. Curiosity and learning new things are my main drives. I get a lot of satisfaction from building beautiful and useful things. And my mission is to make sure that generative AI products are built responsibly: with solid engineering, with respect for people and society.
i need a website to get some side work lined up - will pay 2x what i am doing now so definitely motivated but will be nickel and dime until i can scale up to national smb mkt - will take some time but will execute and get out there #consulting #builds #seo #audits #networks