NAS, Nextcloud und Backups
Ich möchte ein Backup zu oder von einer Nextcloud einrichten, doch in den Backup-Tools finde ich zwar Dutzende Clouddienste, nur kein Nextcloud.

NAS, Nextcloud und Backups
Ich möchte ein Backup zu oder von einer Nextcloud einrichten, doch in den Backup-Tools finde ich zwar Dutzende Clouddienste, nur kein Nextcloud.
I wrote up a post about how I get around silly macOS security stuff to run rsync jobs from cron by embedding shell commands inside of Automator applications...
Hey Fedi Internet search is garbage, so I'm hoping some of you can help. I'm looking to replace my office's cloud #backup software and looking for non-US options. I know of pCloud, any others you'd recommend?
* Client side encryption (ideally zero knowledge)
* Able to specify any number of folders to back up, ideally each with their own scheduling and ignore lists
* File history and deleted file recovery
* User controlled but company managed
* Device sync not necessary
The big (180) Bluetti has been running the fridge for 2.5 hours is down to 75% power, which seems pretty good. We’ll switch it to the freezer here at about 11:30 I think, and give that 2 hours to bring the temp down. It recharges to 85% in 45 minutes, so after that I’m going to go beg an outlet from my neighbor with the whole house generator.
Pretty happy to have these batteries right now.
#Hallo Ihr Lieben auf ,
Unsere #Instanz wächst und wächst. Kürzlich hatten wir unser zwei-jähriges Jubiläum. Wir haben aktuell 205 trötende #Rüssel hier auf unserer Instanz und das bedeutet, dass unsere Instanz mit eine der erfolgreichen Instanzen im #deutsch sprachigen Raum geworden ist.
Das bedeutet aber auch, dass der Instanz #Server einiges zu leisten hat. Er muss performant bleiben und er muss groß genug sein, um die ganzen #Tröts mit ihren #Medien wie #Bilder und #Videos zu speichern. Auch der #Backup-Server muss entsprechend dimensioniert sein. Das alles kostet viel #Geld im #Monat, das ich vollständig aus der eigenen #Tasche bezahle.
Wenn es Dir hier bei uns also gefällt und Du nicht möchtest, dass diese Instanz irgendwann in der Versenkung verschwindet, wie so viele andere kleine und große Instanzen auch, dann denke doch einmal drüber nach, ob Du mich dabei nicht ein kleines bisschen #unterstützen möchtest.
Spenden kannst du entweder per #Bitcoin, Paypal oder Banküberweisung. Alle Informationen dazu findest du unter #Spendenmöglichkeiten auf der "About" Seite dieser Instanz ganz unten:
Am meisten freue ich mich natürlich, wenn Du die Möglichkeit der regelmäßigen #Spende per #PayPal oder #Dauerauftrag nutzen würdest.
Vielen Dank und weiterhin ganz viel Spaß bei uns, wünscht Dir Eure #Admina
Time for some Saturday update and clean up. Retiring the #Synology #DP320 #DataProtection appliance.
Wie geht ihr mit #Datensicherung um?
Kennt ihr kostenlose Programme und Tools, die ihr empfehlen könnt?
#Proxmox virtualization often goes along with the great Proxmox Backup Server - and we always want statistics! Let's get our metrics of PBS in Grafana!
In this HowTo, we will quickly install and configure the pbs-exporter for hashtag#Prometheus on a Proxmox Backup Server system, add a token for the user and install the hashtag#Grafana dashboard. - #devops #homelab #netops #virtualization #backup #pbs #proxmoxbackupserver
A colleague of mine pointed me to a nice usecase for local running LLMs:
Available offline "documentation".
Yes, LLMs hallucinate a lot, but depending on the model it can be a useful backup for documentation or similar ressources if you do not have any internet connection available at the moment.
Might be better than having nothing at all if you need to get some work done.
So right now the Python script grabs the text of a note, creates a file with the title as the name (needs work) and then sets the date created & modified time of the file.
So on disk are Markdown files with all my Bear notes. This makes them available as plain text files in the terminal, on Linux, heck...probably in Obsidian as well?
I found a Python script somebody wrote to export Bear's notes from the sqlite db they are stored in and it's not exactly what I need so I ended up writing about 25 lines of my own Python code that does what I need.
It is... rough, but it works! I need to add a few things, like cleaning titles for filename, etc. (The script I found had issues of its own, so...)
I welcome these little challenges to learn more Python though.
So with any new tool you consider using you need to start thinking about exporting your data. Since Anytype stores everything encrypted (good!) there is not an easy automated way to get your data out (bad!)
I've tried manually exporting things and... it leaves a lot to be desired.
Does anyone have a good #NAS vendor recommendation?
Being able to offsite a backup with a friend is probably the most important feature for my requirements.
#Synology seems to be the best option, but based on some reading, I’m worried about their software eventually being put behind a subscription.
Any suggestions are welcome!
#ayuda #sql #backup #docker
(basandome en:
duda, en sql hay algun tipo de versioning?
Es decir...
entiendo que esa config, todos los dias, me aplasta el backup anterior que ha tomado.
supongamos que tardo mas de un dia que darme cuenta que tengo que hacer un restore, que mis datos en el ultimo backup esta podridos / corruptos ya, puedo desde sql consultar el "historial" de lo respaldado?
o puedo, SENCILLAMENTE, desde un mismo docker compose como este, activar algun tipo de versioning?
@t3rr0rz0n3 @pijusmagnificus @trankten @matiargs @samcre @z3r0
se agradece #boost
at Algoo we use #borg #Backup for our clients data backup (@tracimfr and #galae) .
On the subject of backup, @FLOZz has published an interesting blog post about setting up a backup process using borg on his #synology NAS
#ayuda fediverso
que solucion es mejor para hacer #backup de un servidor (los archivos)?
aplicaciones en #docker , como #bludit , #forgejo , #peertube entre otras..
querria algo que tenga #versioning y soporte #s3 e idealmente interfaz web para gestionar.
estoy probando #backrest pero no veo que tenga versioning?
@t3rr0rz0n3 @matiargs @pijusmagnificus @samcre
se agradece #boost
️ Nouvel article sur le blog !
Aujourd'hui je vous explique comment sauvegarder vos données vers un NAS #Synology avec #BorgBackup. J'explique aussi pourquoi avoir choisi des NAS de cette marque aussi bien pour mon cas perso que pour le boulot ! ️
Bonne lecture !
Thank you @homeassistant for making backups so easy! My volume filled up and got stuck auto-expanding, but I was able to get my home back up and running on a new volume in about 30mins!
I always loved to be able to backup of the home folder on #linux and basically take that from one install to another without loosing anything important. But with #flatpak installed inside the user folder, it adds another layer of magic. I was already amazed, when I realized the appeal of user partitions on linux, some years ago. Windows has nothing comparable.