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On 3 Dec a new bus line was introduced between Ax-les-Thermes and #Andorra
. The bus runs 2x/day in both directions and stops at the railway stations of #AxLesThermes and L'Hospitalet-près-l'Andorre with useful timings for the night train from/to Paris.
Ski resorts along the line are also served. But note: one way ticket from L'Hospitalet to Andorra is 24 € (~40 km).
This is a project I did for another competition called "120 hours". The concept of the competition was to create a project in only 120 hours.
I was at my internship then, so I did not exactly have 120 hours, but I did my best to spend a fruitful time preparing for the competition.
The theme was to design a national #museum in #Andorra
I wanted to create open, semi-open, and closed areas where people can interact with both nature and architecture.
Andorra's motto is "Virtus Unita Fortior". Which means "United virtue is stronger". With the motto in mind, I used Özdemir Asaf's #poem "Loneliness cannot be shared, if shared there is no loneliness" to be the base of my project's concept.
Here's the link to the competition's official website: https://www.120hours.no/archive
Spotted in #Australia!
Please rescue me and my family from this genocide and starvation.
Donation link and Yousef and his family's story
#Albania #Andorra #Armenia #Austria #Azerbaijan #Belarus #Belgium #BosniaAndHerzegovina #Bulgaria #Croatia #Cyprus #CzechRepublic #Denmark #Estonia #Finland #France #Georgia #Germany #Greece #Hungary #Iceland #Ireland #Italy #Kazakhstan #Latvia #Liechtenstein #Lithuania #Luxembourg
As we persist under leaden skies in northern Europe this summer, I'm acutely aware that the last Pyrenean glaciers are almost gone and I wonder if the ski resorts where so (partly) learned to ski still exist.
Our #FamilyStaycation project of eating our way through Europe is bringing back memories but also prompting some good discussions.
Today's #Andorra dish is not exactly Proust's Madeleine, but it certainly gave rise to some extra thoughts
When people think about Andorra, they usually think about skiing or tax-free shopping.
I used to go all the time as a kid and a teen, not so much nowadays for obvious reasons. However, my favorite thing about the country is probably its nature in summer.
#Earthquake (#terratrèmol, #terremoto) M3.7 occurred 22 km S of Andorra la Vella (#Andorra) 10 min ago (local time 00:24:43). More info at:
Wondering if anyone here knows what’s the best way to import a couple #RaspberryPi5 or at least one for personal/company use in #Andorra.
Taken yesterday after almost 3 hours of hiking in #Andorra #dogsofmastodon
He had so much energy after the complete hike. unbelievable.
Hoy en la lista de países comunistas que buscan impedir especular con la vivienda: Andorra.
Andorra prohíbe comprar casas a extranjeros para frenar la especulación.
Y como bonus track, hoy en "el mercado se regula solo": Nunca se había construido tanto en Andorra y nunca había habido tantos problemas para acceder a una vivienda.
A quick hike through the lakes of Tristania in #Andorra, today was a lovely day for it.
What’s up with the obsession of people asking where do the YouTubers live in #Andorra? This is the third time someone stops me in the street to ask me about it
There is a new #meetup group for people in #Andorra, or visitors, who are looking for partners to go out into the mountains.
Check out Andorra Mountain Adventures https://meetu.ps/c/544MC/csXfq/d.
We have had lots of rainy days in #Andorra lately but yesterday it was a perfect day for hiking.