LEGO horizon is complete as it's getting, giving up on Ace Attorney for now, popped in #Spiderman2 but I'd like to finish ghost of tsushima first maybe
LEGO horizon is complete as it's getting, giving up on Ace Attorney for now, popped in #Spiderman2 but I'd like to finish ghost of tsushima first maybe
Die GameStar hat sich den PC Port in einem Nachtest nochmal angeschaut und hat die Abwertung wegen der Technik nun entfernt.
Zitat aus deren neuem Fazit:
Die Bildrate und vor allem die für eine flüssige Wahrnehmung immens wichtige Frame-Time sind deutlich stabiler. Auch mit aktiviertem Raytracing können wir auf unserem Testsystem nun ohne nerviges Stottern durch New York schwingen.
#nixxessoftware hat den PC Port mittlerweile glaube ich gut im Griff
#nixxessoftware haben für den PC Port von Spiderman 2 Patch Nr.4 released
#gaming #pcgaming #Spiderman2 #linuxgaming
Nixxes Software hat wieder einen neuen Patch für den PC Port von Spiderman 2 rausgebracht
Steam Deck Verified ist der Port nun auch.
#gaming #pcgaming #Stalker2 #Spiderman2
Die Devs von Stalker waren wieder fleißig.
Major Patch 1.2 ist heute released wurden.
So langsam hätte ich aber auch mal gerne die Roadmap
Ach ja und für den PC Port von Spiderman 2 gibt es auch einen neuen Patch.
Pondering keeping some of the horrors at bay by trying Spider-Man 2 on Steam Deck. I keep seeing conflicting reports about how well it runs. People keep quoting framerates that vary a lot, but no mention of stability and so on. The first one (and Miles Morales) had some performance and stability issues they eventually worked through. May just be too early.
Not like I have a lack of games in my Steam library, but it's calling my name.
#gaming #pcgaming #AAAGaming #SpiderMan2
AMD hat einen neuen Radeon Treiber veröffentlicht (25.1.1), der den PC Port von Spiderman 2 unterstützt.
Ich habe nun auch eine Vermutung warum die PC Specs von Spiderman 2 noch nicht da sind.
Wahrscheinlich bekommt der PC Port von #nixxessoftware zum Launch #dlss4 und die Devs müssen noch auf den Game Ready Treiber für Nvidia warten.
Das wäre eine IMHO logische Erklärung.
Wenn man nur lange genug wartet, sind die Preise für PS5-Spiele gar nicht so wild. #ps5 #gaming #spiderman2 #GodOfWarRagnarok #30eur
Tony Todd was one of my favourite actors and he recently played Scare Glow in Masters of the Universe Revelation/Revolution too and as Venom Marvel's Spider-Man 2 for PS5 which I love. I paid to get a photo with him at London Comic Con a year ago but he had to cancel. I wanted him to hold my Scare Glow action figure in the photo. Won't ever happen now. :/ Rest in peace, sir.
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Steam page is up and releases on 30th January 2025! The port is being done by Nixxes Software and they have a very good track record, especially as they ported the last two games as well.
#Gaming #VideoGames #SpiderMan2
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 comes to Steam in January 2025
This might be my first BRAND NEW game in years!
Spider-Man 2 is latest PlayStation exclusive coming to PC
They even replicated the Whole Foods (A.K.A. local grocer) that is nearby in the same building #SpiderMan2
I just found the Downtown Brooklyn Apple Store in #SpiderMan2! I love this type of details
#Spiderman2 was the most popcorn of popcorn games, and that's okay. The game does everything super well, from the moment to moment swinging around NYC to the incredibly emotive performances from the lead actors, the game absolutely nails basic everything it attempts, and it does it with style and confidence.
Now, I’m just diving into side missions and exploring NYC. Just look at how beautiful it looks! I can’t get enough of it
Finished #SpiderMan2 last night. The story had me completely hooked! Being my first #PS5 game, I can’t judge properly, but I can say I’m blown away.
What struck me the most was its inclusivity. Unlike previous Spider-Man narratives portraying Mary Jane as the fragile damsel in distress, here she’s bold and a true hero. The game also features LGBTQ+ characters, and sign language is naturally integrated throughout the #MilesMorales part of the story
Soooo I got a #PS5 with #SpiderMan2 for Christmas and I’m absolutely mind blown.
This thing is incredible, and Spider-Man + NYC are two of my biggest lifetime obsessions, so you can imagine all the goosebumps I get playing this