That was a fantastic write-up! Thank you!
That was a fantastic write-up! Thank you!
This and #FF2024 in general make me think we need updated studies on information seeking in different types of GLAM collections. And that all modern searches need a 'semantic search off' toggle to enable exact matches again
What a delight it was to present at the #ff2024 #ff24 Fantastic Futures #conference last week, held at the #NFSA, celebrating all things #AI and #ML in the #GLAM sector.
See what the #ANU School of #Cybernetics got up to at the conference:
A great example of learning on the job from Asa - 'Making cursive comfortable: Transcribing 19th Century archives using AI models' https://prov.vic.gov.au/about-us/our-blog/making-cursive-comfortable as presented at #FF2024 #AI4LAM
As if prompted by #FF2024, RNZ ran this article featuring Peter Lucas-Jones and the great 92% accuracy Te Reo Māori text-to-speech work at Te Hiku Media.
"It is important to recognise that big tech is not going to save te reo Māori."
#AI4ALAM folk, you outdid yourselves at #FF2024! Your optimism, your cynicism, your questions about how we get the AI / ML we deserve - and most importantly your support for each other. Please keep sharing and learning together! https://ai4lam.org
@nfitzger announces that #ff2025 will be in London 3-5th December 2025 at the #BritishLibrary
#AI4LAM #ff2024
We hope you enjoyed #FF2024! Save the date for #FF2025 Fantastic Futures 2025 AI4LAM at the British Library, London 3-5 December 2025 https://ai4lam.org
Kara Kennedy, AI Literacy Institute – AI Literacy for Librarians in Low-Resource, Multicultural Communities
Two choices, don't use AI (like early days of Wikipedia) or learn how to use AI wisely
1. Engage AI champion
2. Leverage existing content - LinkedIn learning. Lots of free resources.
3. Create accessible resources
Librarians, GLAM, we can lead AI literacy, help prepare community for AI
End up, created our own - Whisper Scribe. https://www.github.com/gsu-library/whisper-scribe (Rachel invited us to check it out)
Future development: partitions, dynamic user permissions, locking records when editing, investigate syncing existing transcript, project profiles.
Rachel Senese Myers – Adopting Whisper: Creating a front end optimized for processing needs
Georgia State University
Oral history. Ohms. Not searchable.
Experiment: faster Whisper. Took learnings from #FF2023. Blew Adobe Premiere Pro out of the water. IT said, you can't do this - command line. Need UI.
Whisper Web UI.
No database. Browser crash, data gone.
Whishper. Love database. No batch upload. No diarization. No batch edits.
Lightning talks (5 mins each).
Asa Letourneau – C19th Handwriting and Model Making with Transkribus
Public Record Office Victoria, State Archives Victoria
Rapid learning and experimenting. Started July 2023. Tried Trankribus. Not successful. Created 3 private model, CER 5%. Tested public model Text Titan, 2.75% CER.
Now Trankribus beta site. Recognise tabular record. Hoping to deploy IIIF Glycerine for crowdsourcing editing of transcription.
Human to judge generated similarity. 900 judgements by 15 NLA staff. Head to head comparison. Individually, CLIP highest score. Combination of model considered best 66% of the time against other variants. Open source models getting better.
Nice comparison tool from NLA to see which models did better at text search results and image similarity searches #FF2024